
Self-mastery enables us to maximise our impact and our potential. 

When we are clear on what an extraordinary life looks and feels like to us we are then able to purposefully drive our intention and action towards its manifestation.  This isn’t about doing more; rather it’s about being more.  It allows space for the unique characteristics and desires of our spirit to drive our aligned actions.

This is an inside-out approach. 

Are you ready to;


STOP             following society’s definition of success and define your own

STOP             living by impossibly high standards

STOP             being over-responsible for others’ happiness

STOP             over-scheduling your time and commitments and re-establish your personal priorities


The first step is an easy one, book in for a clarity call and let’s get clear on your desires and what’s standing in the way.

Just some of the benefits of our work together will include being able to;

"Coaching with Andrea has been the best thing I have ever done. I now have ownership of my life and no longer feel dragged down by the past. I can honestly say this investment has changed my life."
Kirstin Lofthouse